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Ross LaBossiere is a licensed physical therapist assistant, a licensed massage therapist, and a certified yoga instructor/IAYT yoga therapist, with 40+ years of experience in both clinical and non-clinical settings.


My academic background is in Health Education, Exercise Physiology, Physical Therapy, and Therapeutic Massage, however, my real education has come from the decades of clinical observation and daily interactions with my patients/clients. But, along with my work in physical therapy and sports medicine, I have also explored, studied, and practice many of the more wholistic, mind/body approaches to bodywork, therapy, and movement. Being highly influenced by the works of pioneers in mind/body medicine like Herbert Benson MD, founder of the Mind/Body Clinic at New England Deaconess Hospital, Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD.’s Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program at the UMass Medical Center, and John Barnes PT's Myofascial Release Approach, as well as movement awareness pioneers like Feldenkrais, Alexander, and many of the Masters from the Yoga traditions, has allowed me to bridge the gap and provide the missing link that brings these traditional, clinical, and alternative disciplines together, integrating the best of both worlds for the benefit of each individual patient/client.


Realizing the need for this integrated approach very early in my career, led to my establishing Lifewaves Integrated Therapy (1982). Since that time, in conjunction with my work in outpatient physical therapy, I have operated 4 office/studios for therapeutic  bodywork and integrated yoga therapy, and have offered Lifewaves workshops and classes in many venues, including 10 years as an independent contractor with BCBS of RI/Health and Wellness Institute, providing these programs in a variety of corporate/worksite settings. I have also developed and teach a continuing Education Seminar for Physical Therapists and other related healthcare professionals at various locations around the country.


My focus these days is on my private practice as described here on my website.


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